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Agar, Peptonas e Extractos


Descrição do Produto

Acid Hydrolysate Of Casein


Peptone- Preparation Of Culture  Media

Used in:

  • Acid Hydrolysate of Casein is included in the composition of culture media intended for microbiological assays of vitamins and of tryptophan
  • For the study of the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, to sulfamides in particular.
  • It is included in Mueller-Hinton Agar.


  • Acid Hydrolysate of Casein is obtained by the hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of a high quality casein.
  • As a result of the relatively consistent quality of the starting material used, Acid Hydrolysate of Casein furnishes constant results.
  • Hydrochloric acid is neutralized after hydrolysis, explaining the high levels of inorganic salts.
  • The hydrolysate is composed primarily of free amino acids, except for tryptophan and cystine.
  • It contains no vitamins.

Bacteriological Agar Type E


Solidification Agent

Used in:

Bacteriological agars act as solidification agents in the preparation of solid culture media at concentrations between 12 and 20 g / L.


  • Agars are extracts of marine algae that has been purified and dried.
  • The extraction in an acid solution is followed by successive purifications in order to obtain clear gels, devoid of precipitates after sterilization and exempt from inhibitory substances.
  • Agar is comprised essentially of agaraose (70 %) and of agaropectin (30 %) which form together a solid gel after heating and cooling.
  • Agarose is a linear polysaccharide entirely comprised of D-galactose and of 3-6 anhydro-L-galactose linked at alpha 1-3 and beta 1-4.
  • Agaropectin, which the structure is similar to that of agarose, also contains groups of anionic esters linked to calcium and to magnesium as well as organic acids (glucuronic and pyruvic).
  • The 3-6 anhydro-α-L-galactoside link is very sensitive at low pH, so much so that it is necessary to avoid prolonged heating of acid media, which could lead to the depolymerization of the agar and consequently a loss of gel strength
    Bacteriological agar type E is a European type agar which presents a gel strength superior to that of the type A American agar.

Bacteriological Malt Extract


Culture  Of Yeasts And Molds

Used in:

Malt extract is intended primarily for the culture and enumeration of yeasts and molds in malt extract media. It favors the sporulation of molds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium. Because of it high carbohydrate content, malt extract should not be subjected to excessive heating, since the culture medium will turn Brown.


Bacteriological Malt Extract is obtained by successive purifications such that all residual enzymatic activity is removed. It is rich in carbohydrates (maltose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, trisaccharides, dextrins) and vitamins (thiamine, biotin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, inositol). These compounds ensure the rapid growth of yeasts and molds.

Bacteriological Meat Extract

Nutritive Supplement (PEPTONE) For Microbiology

Used in:

Combined with peptones of different origins, Bacteriological Meat Extract is an excellent nutritional complement destined for the preparation of a variety of culture media. It is normally used in the concentration range of 0.2 to 1.0%.


Meat Extract is prepared from selected animal tissues which confer on it excellent nutritive properties

Pancreatic  Digest Of Casein Codex

Peptone – Culture Of Bacteria, Yeasts & Molds

Used in:

Pancreatic Digest of Casein Codex is suitable for the preparation of culture media destined for usual bacteriological controls. Combined with meat peptones and as a result of its appropriate nutritional qualities and pH, it is used in media destined for the growth of yeasts and molds. It is also used to grow lactic acid bacteria and for the development of sporulated aerobic bacteria such as Bacillus species.


Pancreatic digest of casein is obtained by the pancreatic digest of a high grade casein. As a result of the relatively constant quality of the starting material used, this peptone furnishes consistent and efficient results. The method of preparation was specially designed to reduce the ash level to a minimum and increase the protein content proportionally so as to favor the development of a number of microorganisms.

Pancreatic Digest Of Meat Type 2

Peptone – Culture Or Aerobic and Anaerobic Microorganisms


Pancreatic Digest of Meat Type 2 is suitable for the culture of a large number of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It is recommended for spore production in anaerobic bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens.

Pancreatic Digest of Meat Type 2 is obtained by the pancreatic digestion of certain highly selected animal tissues.

Peptic Digest Of Meat USP

Peptone – Culture Of  Various Microorganisms


Peptic Digest of Meat USP is used for the growth of yeasts and molds, enterobacteria, staphylococci, and numerous other microorganisms. After addition to blood agar, it favors the growth of pneumococci, as well as the production of characteristic hemolysis. Because of its high content of sulfur compounds, it is used for the detection of hydrogen sulfide producers.

Obtained by the peptic digestion of selected red muscles, Peptic Digest of Meat USP is characterized by a predominance of high molecular weight polypeptides.

Tryptone USP

Peptone : Culture Of a Large Variety Of Microorganisms


Tryptone USP is suitable for a wide variety of uses in general bacteriology for the preparation of culture media. As a result of its high tryptophan concentration, it is used for the detection of indole production. Lacking fermentable carbohydrates, it is included in media used to study sugar fermentations. Because of its compatibility with other ingredients, peptones or extracts, Tryptone USP is included in the composition of media intended for the growth and enumeration of bacteria in water, milk, other food products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Combined with papaic digest of soybean meal, it is used for the preparation of Tryptone Soy Broth and Tryptone Soy Agar.

Tryptone USP is obtained by the pancreatic digestion of a high quality casein. As a result of the relatively constant purity of the starting material used, Tryptone USP furnishes efficient and consistent results, in particular in studies on the metabolism and growth of various microorganisms. The method of preparation has been designed to maximize the reduction in calcium levels in the finished product. Tryptone USP can be used to prepare phosphate-containing media characterized by their clear, light nature, as well as by the absence of significant precipitates after autoclaving.

Yeast Extract

Enrichment Factor For Cultura Media


Yeast Extract is considered as a principal enrichment factor in culture media. It accelerates the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms, including yeasts and molds. Because of its carbohydrate content, it is not suitable for media intended for the study of sugar fermentation.

Controlled enzymatic digestion of the cellular constituents of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by its own enzymes (autolysis) furnishes an extract rich in amino acids,

oligopeptides, vitamins (especially the B group), growth factors, carbohydrates, and purine and pyrimidine bases from nucleic acids.



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